Filling the Days

There is much to do...

Filling the Days

So far, my days have been filled. There’s the occasional foray to grocery shop, which leaves me anxious, exhausted and SO happy to be home. There’s the cleaning ritual… cleaning any groceries I bought, cleaning the steering wheel, car doors, door handles, etc. plus I try to do something to clean the house every day. I’ve been uploading photographs to Shutterstock, hoping that someone will buy one someday. I still have a few web clients. There’s the adopted cat to be fed and played with. There’s a garden to tend. A little bit of laundry to do (not nearly as much as I’m used to!… you know, massage therapists and their sheets). And there’s dinner and TV time with the husband. Last night we watched Fantastic Fungi, which was inspiring and beautiful and well worth the two hours.

This weekend I potted plants and planted every seed I have in the house somewhere. I joined a virtual book club. I love to read and discussing books with other people is a way to expand on the experience. At the current moment, I am either reading or listening to Sapiens, by Yuval Noah Harari. Enrique’s Journey by Sonia Nazario. Also, the Doors of Perception (a re-read) by Aldous Huxley. And I’m reading an book lent to me by a friend, Diary of a Sea Captain’s Wife by Margaret Eaton, written by a woman who grew up in Santa Barbara and lived on one of the Channel Islands with her fisherman husband in the early 20th century.

I’m exercising a little bit every day. Discovered that Peloton has a 90-day free option right now, so I tried a Strength Class and a Restorative Yoga class today. Both were great. By the way, if you have never tried a Restorative Yoga class, now would be a great time to do that. It’s yoga, but without strain. Still, your body gets a lot of benefit from it. Since you can’t get a massage right now, check it out!

I checked in with massage therapy organizations today. The Massage Therapy Foundation sent out a video today, acknowledging that we are all at home and not working. It’s a good time to learn new things through videos, reading, etc. I’ll be looking into that… after gardening, walking, art, answering emails. Honestly, it feels like there STILL is not enough time in the day.

And I’m thinking about my clients… I miss them! I miss giving massages, helping people feel better, interacting with other humans (other than my husband) and TOUCHING them. I used to be touching people all day long… and now, not so much. I gave my husband a massage yesterday and thought of all my clients as I was doing it… hopefully that energy was sent out somehow to each and every one of them. Everyone could probably use a massage about now.

Hope everyone who reads this is doing well and taking advantage of this time to rest and restore. If you are a parent, I hope you are making the most of this time with your children, but still taking care of yourself.




Ellen Fields is a California girl with one foot in Yucatan, Mexico. She is a massage therapist with a software/web/marketing background, a writer, artist, photographer and eminently distractable. About the only time she concentrates on one thing is when she is giving you a great massage...